Harvington First School

Harvington First & Nursery New Drainage System

Harvington School was never connected to a mains storm drain and therefore relied upon on site soak-aways to remove the rainwater, unfortunately due to the changes in climate the situation had progressively got worse to the point where the school was at serious risk of flooding. We were commissioned to provide a solution that included complete replacement of the existing storm drainage on the site with attenuation tank, new highway pipework to the nearest suitable storm drain through the local residential area, all statutory applications, etc. and assisting the school with acquiring the funding for the £850k project. As the new installation was both on county council and diocese land, landlords’ approval was required from all parties which we acquired on behalf of the school.

Although this was one of the more difficult projects for us as there were different approvals from national infrastructure organisations, the outcome has been worth it as we now know that the school is no longer at risk from flooding.


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